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Directions to Find Us

Directions from LONDON (M25):

  • From the M25 (clockwise), exit J3 down to the under-roundabout and take the first exit onto the A20 (Maidstone), continue onto M20 for 21.5 miles to J8 (signed Leeds Castle)
  • From the M25 (anti-clockwise) continue straight ahead onto M26 (outer two lanes) near Sevenoaks then continue ahead for 10.1 miles onto M20 and a further 11.4 miles to J8 (signed Leeds Castle) 21.5
  • Leave roundabout on 3rd exit, then after 200yds take 1st exit
  • Continue 500yds and straight ahead at next roundabout
  • After 200yds turn right at roundabout onto B2163 Penfold Hill at Leeds Castle. Continue for 2.7 miles 25.2
  • At junction, turn left onto the A274 Maidstone Road. Continue for 6 miles (through Headcorn and on towards Biddenden) 31.2
  • At Biddenden, continue ahead on A262 Tenterden Road and proceed for 0.7 miles 31.9
  • Bear right onto Benenden Road
  • Barclay Farmhouse IMMEDIATELY on right

Directions from CENTRAL MAIDSTONE:

  • Depart Museum Street
  • Turn right into Earl Street – proceed for 0.1 mile 0.1
  • Turn left into A229 Fairmeadow and proceed for 1.5 miles 1.6
  • Bear left onto A274 Sutton Road and proceed for 12.3 miles 13.9
  • At Biddenden, continue ahead on A262 Tenterden Road and proceed for 0.7 miles 14.6
  • Bear right onto Benenden Road
  • Barclay Farmhouse IMMEDIATELY on right


  • Depart Railway Station into Londsdale Gardens and proceed for 0.1 mile 0.1
  • Turn left onto A26 Mount Pleasant Road and proceed for 0.1 mile 0.2
  • Turn right onto A264 Crescent Road and proceed for 2.1 miles 2.3
  • Leave roundabout onto A228 Pembury Road and proceed 0.1 mile 2.4
  • Leave roundabout and proceed for 0.1 mile 2.5
  • Turn left onto A21 and proceed for 4.7 miles 7.2
  • Turn left onto A262 and proceed for 11.5 miles 18.7
  • At Biddenden turn right (A262 Tenterden Road) and proceed for 0.7 miles 19.4
  • Bear right onto Benenden Road
  • Barclay Farmhouse IMMEDIATELY on right

Directions from ASHFORD:

  • Depart A28 Canterbury Road and proceed for 0.5 mile 0.5
  • Leave roundabout onto A292 Chart Road and proceed for 1 mile 1.5
  • Leave roundabout onto A28 and proceed for 8.7 miles 10.2
  • Turn right onto A262 and proceed for 2.3 miles 12.5
  • Shortly after petrol station bear left onto Benenden Road
  • Barclay Farmhouse IMMEDIATELY facing

Contact Us

We can also help with directions from other areas, please call us today on 01580 292626.